Learn how to build a driver up from scratch - brick-by-brick - by developing their skills, instead of teaching topics.
Change your mindset from the traditional topic-based 'telling style' to a skill-based modern approach, to create rapid learning and a more fun and engaging environment.
If you'd prefer the personal touch of a one-to-one training session with Lee Spary, please contact us below for his latest availability.
This course is conducted in a 90 minute session.
90 minute one-to-one session - £67.00
If you'd prefer to attend a small online workshop of like-minded driving instructors, this course is run monthly via our partners at pdiadi.com.
120 minute workshop - £59.00
You'll receive a 42-page learner syllabus at the conclusion of this course.
Click on the link below for more course information and to book your place!
6pm to 8pm:
If you prefer to take in your training in your own time - and watch it over and over - or if you simply can't wait for Lee's next available slot or workshop, this course is available immediately in the form of video training.
75 min video training - £49.99
You'll also receive a 42-page learner syllabus at the conclusion of this course.
Contact Lee using the options below to arrange this purchase.